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#Mastercard CEO Teases CBDC Panel: SWIFT May Not Exist in 5 Years #Terra New Blockchain Terra 2.0 Is Here, Expected Launch Date Announced #In Brazil, You Can Now Use $ADA, $XRP, and $MATIC to Pay for Real Estate Purchases**


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#Terra2.0 #LUNA #UST #Blockchain


因此,”算法稳定币“ 便诞生了。

算法稳定币是一种维持在稳定价值的虚拟货币,通常使用算法或是智能合约(Smart Contract)来管理代币的供应,并将其价值与一些参考资产(如法定货币等)挂钩。近年来,算法稳定币为Crypto领域中增长最快的垂直领域之一。此前,市场上规模最大、最主流的算法稳定币系统就是Terra。

Terra是什么?Terra为韩国公司Terraform Labs所开发的区块链项目,主要的资产为Terra生态上的代币LUNA以及存在于Terra链上的算法稳定币TerraUSD(UST)。


因此,为了吸引用户提高需求,Terra成立了Anchor项目,提供高达20%固定存款年化收益率(Annualized rate of return)的UST贷款业务,让更多人萌生购买UST并存入Anchor的念头。对UST的高需求让可用以兑换UST的LUNA价值水涨船高,在2021年的短短三个月内从一枚不足一美元飙涨至一枚120美元,市值甚至突破了430亿美元。

但是就在今年五月,一些大机构开始有预谋地开始大量抛售UST,纵然Terra旗下的基金会Luna Foundation Guard力挽狂澜,但用尽了所有储备资产中的比特币也无法维持UST的稳定性,但最后仅剩313个比特币和上万其他代币。

Terra的卷土重来?UST和Luna的价值被贬至近0.09和0.00014美元,Terra生态基本宣告阵亡。但其创办人Do Kwan却认为Terra生态仍然有一线生机,提出最早将在2022年5月26日重新建立”Terra 2.0“。

Terra 2.0和Terra有什么不同?根据Do Kwan提出的构思,Terra 2.0将是一个全新且没有UST的区块链,其原生代币也将被称为LUNA,并且将对目前和潜在的用户进行加密货币空投(Airdrop),即免费向他们发放代币。且会将原Terra生态中的Trueflip代币(TFL)的钱包地址(Wallet Address)从白名单中移除,让Terra 2.0完全归属于社区。**


<aside> 📃 Highlights:

Terra 2.0 Genesis Imminent, So Who Gets a LUNA Airdrop?

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Terra 2 native asset will be called LUNA, the old token will be LUNA Classic, and four groups will be eligible for airdrops of the new token. These are investors that held both LUNA and UST before the “attack” and ones that bought into the two tokens after the ecosystem began to fall.

Pre-attack LUNA holders will get an airdrop very close to 1:1 while those that bought the token after the collapse will get just 1:0.000015 (LUNA is currently trading at $0.00016).

UST holders get an even worse deal with those holding the stablecoin before it dumped from its peg getting just 1:0.033 and those buying in after getting 1:0.013 (UST is currently at $0.067).

Additionally, the airdrop will occur in a “bonded state,” meaning that there is a 21-day unbonding period before transfers are available.

Why Terra 2.0 And Awaited LUNA Airdrop Might Never Happen

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Following Do Kwon’s proposal 1623, the community voted to build a new Terra chain and airdrop the new Luna tokens to current holders. However, creating an entirely new blockchain network takes resources, workforce, and time.

A recent expose has the community worried. Back in South Korea, Do Kwon and Terra Foundation Guard (TFG) are facing a legal backlash, even as they try to assure the community that Terra 2.0 is coming.

According to Naver, the Seoul Metropolitan Police in South Korea has asked each exchange to freeze the funds of the Luna Foundation Guard, and there are clues suspected of being related to embezzlement of public funds.

On the other hand, Terra Founder Do Kwon Faces Three South Korean Investigations.

Luna’s and UST crash led the South Korean government to revive a disbanded crime investigation that was last active two years ago. The unit, consisting of 40 officials, will investigate to establish what led to the collapse of Terra and whether anyone is responsible for it.

This could complicate matters as Terra 2.0 could run into financial hurdles that could delay its creation and launch. In turn, the Luna airdrop might turn out to be a mirage that will never materialize.
